Energy Genesis Healing Barry McNew Life Vessel of the Rockies

Energy Genesis Healing Barry McNew Life Vessel of the Rockies

The Energy Genesis Healing Technology

Energy Genesis Healing Technology

What if you could heal yourself in the fraction of time? What if you could create unequaled balance, calm and emotional well-being inside your body?

What if the body could heal itself from environmental, emotional and physical stress? What do you think that would do if you truly could allow your body to fully rest? It's no secret, doctors all agree that if your body can rest, your body will heal! The "Energy Genesis" is truly a remarkable piece of healing technology that fully allows your body to come back to center and to literally take a moment and breathe! When you go about your day you are inundated (if you like it or not) by traffic, kids, school or work, and the 10,000 other things that could happen during a normal day. This stress slowly builds upon the body, and after a point if the body can not heal by resting fully, it can turn into a big problem and nowadays, there are so many reasons the body is having trouble returning to rest after the day.

At this point the body is in almost in permanent "fight or flight" mode and basically what that means is that our senses perceive an environmental stress, such as traffic, work etc, and the cells in the nervous and endocrine systems work to prepare the body for action, "fight or flight". This example of cell/brain communication creates instantaneous and simultaneous responses throughout the body.

The danger/stress perceived is passed on to the hypothalamus in the brain. Then the hypothalamus transmits a signal to the pituitary gland exciting cells there to release a chemical into the blood. At the same time, the hypothalamus transmits a signal through the spinal cord. The chemical messenger and nerve-impulse will go to the same location, the adrenal gland.

The adrenal glands receives the nerve & chemical signals created by cells in the hypothalamus. Signals the release of epinephrine into the blood. When this messengers arrives, they attach on to receptors and begin a cell signaling domino effect that creates the production of cortisol. Cortisol is then passed into the blood where it starts signaling to many different cell types, stimulating an increase in blood pressure, a rise in blood sugar levels, and suppression of the immune system.

So as you can clearly see, removing yourself from this "fight or flight" with the Energy Genesis can be most beneficial. But what exactly is the difference between a night of sleep and the Energy Genesis alternative healing technology?

The Energy Genesis combines photostimulation, music and the vibratory sensory perception of music for optimal relaxation and autonomic balance.  We are working to turn off the activity of the genes that cause disease and turn on the activity of the genes that fight disease.  Once this happens, the rest can be done by the body.  Simply, we trigger the body mechanisms to do the job of fighting disease on its own.  We are not damaging the structure of the body with the sessions.  We are influencing the body to do what it is innately born to do!

To learn more about the Energy Genesis and what it can do for you please visit our site here.

To learn more about this technology and it's creator please visit here.

The statements made or services provided through this website or by the Company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials regarding the technology are voluntarily given and do not represent the opinions of the Company. The services provided by the Company are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.